ukBaz Notes

A place to write longer form notes and how-to's!

Publish To D-Bus

This is part of a series of posts about using PyGObject for D-Bus with a specific focus on BlueZ. Parts one and two on this topic could be worth reading before this post if you are new to the topic.


BlueZ uses a technique where an interface is defined (e.g. org.bluez.LEAdvertisement1) for the developer to create that interface and publish it to D-Bus. The location of that created interface implementation is given to BlueZ using the relevant Register* command (e.g. RegisterAdvertisement on the org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1 interface).

Examples of the various Register* commands:

advertising-api.txt:RegisterAdvertisement(object advertisement, dict options)
agent-api.txt:RegisterAgent(object agent, string capability)
gatt-api.txt:RegisterApplication(object application, dict options)
media-api.txt:RegisterEndpoint(object endpoint, dict properties)
media-api.txt:RegisterPlayer(object player, dict properties)
media-api.txt:RegisterApplication(object root, dict options)
obex-agent-api.txt:RegisterAgent(object agent)
profile-api.txt:RegisterProfile(object profile, string uuid, dict options)

This is why the interfaces that need to be implemented are documented as:

Object path:	freely definable

Because the relevant Register* command will be used to tell BlueZ the object path of the interface that has been implemented.

To state this a different way, BlueZ provides a blueprint for D-Bus services that it needs to do certain things. e.g. advertising or an agent. The documented interface has no implementation. This is created for the specific instance (e.g. what it is we want to advertise). BlueZ is told where to find this interface implementation with the specific Register* command.

Is Writing a D-Bus Service with PyGObject broken?

One reading of the documentation suggests the way to create a D-Bus service with PyGObject is with DBusInterfaceSkeleton but after much experimentation I came to the same conclusion as outlined in the following StackOverflow post, that it does not work for the Python bindings.

There does appear to be a way to do this with closures rather than virtual table methods

Publishing a D-Bus Service

Let’s start with a non-BlueZ example in the hope that it will be shorter and simpler to understand.

In the example below DbusService is the class for handling the transfer between python methods & properties and published D-Bus methods & properties. For the purposes of keeping this blog shorter than it might otherwise be I’m not going to explain the details here. The class will probably not work in all situations but for working with BlueZ it is good enough.

MyDBusService is an example of a specific implementation of D-Bus service that is to be published. The introspection_xml contains the D-Bus introspection information. The node information is built from this XML data using DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml The methods and properties specified match a Python method and property created in this class. The XML introspection format is described in the D-Bus specification.

DbusService is doing the majority of the heavy lifting while MyDBusService focuses on the service to be published.

The created service needs to wait in an event loop for calls to it. Again, it is MainLoop that is used to create this.

import logging
from math import sqrt

from gi.repository import Gio, GLib, GObject

logger = logging.getLogger('calc')

def _build_variant(name, py_value):
    s_data =
    for key, value in py_value.items():
        gvalue = GLib.Variant('ay', value)
        s_data.insert_value(key, gvalue)
    return s_data.end()

class DbusService:

    def __init__(self, introspection_xml, publish_path, 
                 own_name=None, sys_bus=True):
        self.node_info = Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml(introspection_xml).interfaces[0]
        method_outargs = {}
        method_inargs = {}
        property_sig = {}
        for method in self.node_info.methods:
            method_outargs[] = '(' + ''.join([arg.signature for arg in method.out_args]) + ')'
            method_inargs[] = tuple(arg.signature for arg in method.in_args)
        self.method_inargs = method_inargs
        self.method_outargs = method_outargs
        if sys_bus:
            self.con = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SYSTEM, None)
            self.con = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None)
        if own_name:

    def handle_method_call(self,
                           connection: Gio.DBusConnection,
                           sender: str,
                           object_path: str,
                           interface_name: str,
                           method_name: str,
                           params: GLib.Variant,
                           invocation: Gio.DBusMethodInvocation
        This is the top-level function that handles method calls to
        the server.
        args = list(params.unpack())
        for i, sig in enumerate(self.method_inargs[method_name]):
            # Check if there is a Unix file descriptor  in the signature
            if sig == 'h':
                msg = invocation.get_message()
                fd_list = msg.get_unix_fd_list()
                args[i] = fd_list.get(args[i])
        # Get the method from the Python class
        func = self.__getattribute__(method_name)
        result = func(*args)
        if result is None:
            result = ()
            result = (result,)
        outargs = ''.join([_.signature
                           for _ in invocation.get_method_info().out_args])
        send_result = GLib.Variant(f'({outargs})', result)
        logger.debug('Method %s result: %s', method_name, repr(send_result))

    def prop_getter(self,
                    connection: Gio.DBusConnection,
                    sender: str,
                    object: str,
                    iface: str,
                    name: str):
        """Mehtod for moving properties from Python Class to D-Bus"""
        logger.debug('prop_getter, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s',
                     connection, sender, object, iface, name)
        py_value = self.__getattribute__(name)
        signature = self.node_info.lookup_property(name).signature
        if 'v' in signature:
            dbus_value = _build_variant(name, py_value)
            return dbus_value
        if py_value:
            return GLib.Variant(signature, py_value)
        return None

    def prop_setter(self,
                    connection: Gio.DBusConnection,
                    sender: str,
                    object: str,
                    iface: str,
                    name: str,
                    value: GLib.Variant):
        """Method for moving properties between D-Bus and Python Class"""
        logger.debug('prop_setter %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s',
                     connection, sender, object, iface, name, value)
        self.__setattr__(name, value.unpack())
        return True

class MyDBusService(DbusService):
    introspection_xml = """
        <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC
        "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
            <interface name="org.ukbaz.calculator1">
                <method name="Fibonacci">
                    <arg type="q" name="position" direction="in"/>
                    <arg type="t" name="result" direction="out"/>
                <property name="limit" type="t" access="read"/>

    def __init__(self):
        self.path = '/org/ukbaz/fibonacci0001'
        super().__init__(self.introspection_xml, self.path,
                         own_name='org.ukbaz', sys_bus=False)
        self.limit = 94

    def Fibonacci(self, position):
        return round(
            (((1 + sqrt(5)) / 2) ** position - (
                    (1 - sqrt(5)) / 2) ** position) / sqrt(5))

def main():
    service = MyDBusService()
    mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':

This can be tested from the Linux command line using the busctl command.

For example to call the Fibonacci method:

$ busctl --user call org.ukbaz /org/ukbaz/fibonacci0001 org.ukbaz.calculator1 Fibonacci q 9
t 34

Or retrieve the limit property:

$ busctl --user get-property org.ukbaz /org/ukbaz/fibonacci0001 org.ukbaz.calculator1 limit
t 94

This experiment has used the session (or user) bus to simplify the security setup to specify name of our service.

For BlueZ we have to use the system bus. When creating the service and registering it with BlueZ we do not need to give it a nice human-readable name. Not owning the name will also require less security setup.

Building A Bluetooth Advertisement

To create an advertisement in BlueZ with the D-Bus API there are two things that need to happen. The first is to create a D-Bus service with the interface org.bluez.LEAdvertisement1 and the second is to tell BlueZ where that service is with RegisterAdvertisement.

Defining the Interface

There needs to be an XML definition of the interface that is used for defining the introspection details of the interface. This information can be stored in a separate file, doc string, or a variable. It needs to be accessible to read.

"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
    <interface name="org.bluez.LEAdvertisement1">
        <method name="Release"/>
        <property name="Type" type="s" access="readwrite"/>
        <property name="ServiceUUIDs" type="as" access="readwrite"/>
        <property name="ManufacturerData" type="a{sv}" access="readwrite"/>
        <property name="SolicitUUIDs" type="as" access="readwrite"/>
        <property name="ServiceData" type="a{sv}" access="readwrite"/>
        <property name="Includes" type="as" access="readwrite"/>
        <property name="LocalName" type="s" access="readwrite"/>
        <property name="Appearance" type="q" access="readwrite"/>
        <property name="Duration" type="q" access="readwrite"/>
        <property name="Timeout" type="q" access="readwrite"/>

BlueZ Advertisement example

Below is an example of creating an Eddystone URL beacon. This is a lot longer than the previous example. That increase in length and complexity is from manipulating data between Python and D-Bus

import logging
import threading
from typing import List, Dict, Union

from gi.repository import Gio, GLib, GObject

# DBus Information
bus_type = Gio.BusType.SYSTEM
BLUEZ_NAME = 'org.bluez'
ADAPTER_PATH = '/org/bluez/hci0'
PROP_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
ADAPTER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'
DEVICE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'
# BlueZ DBus Advertising Manager Interface
LE_ADVERTISING_MANAGER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1'
# BlueZ DBus Advertisement Interface
LE_ADVERTISEMENT_IFACE = 'org.bluez.LEAdvertisement1'

logger = logging.getLogger('advert')

introspection_xml = """
    "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
        <interface name="org.bluez.LEAdvertisement1">
            <method name="Release"/>
            <property name="Type" type="s" access="readwrite"/>
            <property name="ServiceUUIDs" type="as" access="readwrite"/>
            <property name="ManufacturerData" type="a{sv}" access="readwrite"/>
            <property name="SolicitUUIDs" type="as" access="readwrite"/>
            <property name="ServiceData" type="a{sv}" access="readwrite"/>
            <property name="Includes" type="as" access="readwrite"/>
            <property name="LocalName" type="s" access="readwrite"/>
            <property name="Appearance" type="q" access="readwrite"/>
            <property name="Duration" type="q" access="readwrite"/>
            <property name="Timeout" type="q" access="readwrite"/>

def _build_variant(name, py_data):
    convert python native data types to D-Bus variant types by looking up
    their type expected for that key.
    type_lookup = {'Address': 's',
                   'AddressType': 's',
                   'Name': 's',
                   'Icon': 's',
                   'Class': 'u',
                   'Appearance': 'q',
                   'Alias': 's',
                   'Paired': 'b',
                   'Trusted': 'b',
                   'Blocked': 'b',
                   'LegacyPairing': 'b',
                   'RSSI': 'n',
                   'Connected': 'b',
                   'UUIDs': 'as',
                   'Adapter': 'o',
                   'ManufacturerData': 'a{qay}',
                   'ServiceData': 'a{say}',
                   'TxPower': 'n',
                   'ServicesResolved': 'b',
                   'WakeAllowed': 'b',
                   'Modalias': 's',
                   'AdvertisingFlags': 'ay',
                   'AdvertisingData': 'a{yay}',
                   'Powered': 'b',
                   'Discoverable': 'b',
                   'Pairable': 'b',
                   'PairableTimeout': 'u',
                   'DiscoverableTimeout': 'u',
                   'Discovering': 'b',
                   'Roles': 'as',
                   'ExperimentalFeatures': 'as',
    logger.debug('Create variant(%s, %s)', name, py_data)
    return GLib.Variant(type_lookup[name], py_data)

def _build_variant2(name, py_value):
        s_data =
        for key, value in py_value.items():
            gvalue = GLib.Variant('ay', value)
            s_data.insert_value(key, gvalue)
        return s_data.end()

def bluez_proxy(object_path, interface):
    """Create a BlueZ proxy object"""
    return Gio.DBusProxy.new_for_bus_sync(

class DbusService:

    def __init__(self, introspection_xml, publish_path,
                 own_name=None, sys_bus=True):
        self.node_info = Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml(introspection_xml).interfaces[0]
        method_outargs = {}
        method_inargs = {}
        property_sig = {}
        for method in self.node_info.methods:
            method_outargs[] = '(' + ''.join(
                 for arg in method.out_args]) + ')'
            method_inargs[] = tuple(arg.signature
                                               for arg in method.in_args)
        self.method_inargs = method_inargs
        self.method_outargs = method_outargs
        if sys_bus:
            self.con = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SYSTEM, None)
            self.con = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None)
        if own_name:

    def handle_method_call(self,
                           connection: Gio.DBusConnection,
                           sender: str,
                           object_path: str,
                           interface_name: str,
                           method_name: str,
                           params: GLib.Variant,
                           invocation: Gio.DBusMethodInvocation
        This is the top-level function that handles method calls to
        the server.
        args = list(params.unpack())
        for i, sig in enumerate(self.method_inargs[method_name]):
            # Check if there is a Unix file descriptor  in the signature
            if sig == 'h':
                msg = invocation.get_message()
                fd_list = msg.get_unix_fd_list()
                args[i] = fd_list.get(args[i])
        # Get the method from the Python class
        func = self.__getattribute__(method_name)
        result = func(*args)
        if result is None:
            result = ()
            result = (result,)
        outargs = ''.join([_.signature
                           for _ in invocation.get_method_info().out_args])
        send_result = GLib.Variant(f'({outargs})', result)
        logger.debug('Method Call result: %s', repr(send_result))

    def prop_getter(self,
                    connection: Gio.DBusConnection,
                    sender: str,
                    object: str,
                    iface: str,
                    name: str):
        """Mehtod for moving properties from Python Class to D-Bus"""
        logger.debug('prop_getter, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s',
                     connection, sender, object, iface, name)
        py_value = self.__getattribute__(name)
        signature = self.node_info.lookup_property(name).signature
        if 'v' in signature:
            print('py_value', py_value)
            dbus_value = _build_variant2(name, py_value)
            print('dbus_value', dbus_value)
            return dbus_value
        if py_value:
            return GLib.Variant(signature, py_value)
        return None

    def prop_setter(self,
                    connection: Gio.DBusConnection,
                    sender: str,
                    object: str,
                    iface: str,
                    name: str,
                    value: GLib.Variant):
        """Method for moving properties between D-Bus and Python Class"""
        logger.debug('prop_setter %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s',
                     connection, sender, object, iface, name, value)
        # x_value = GLib.Variant('as', ['test'])
        self.__setattr__(name, value.unpack())
        return True

class Advertisement(DbusService):
    """Advertisement data"""

    def __init__(self, advert_id, ad_type):
        # Setup D-Bus object paths
        self.path = '/org/bluez/advertisement{0:04d}'.format(advert_id)

        self.Type = ad_type
        self.ServiceUUIDs = []
        self.ManufacturerData = {}
        self.SolicitUUIDs = []
        self.ServiceData = {}
        self.Includes = []
        self.LocalName = None
        self.Appearance = None
        self.Duration = None
        self.Timeout = None

        self.mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()
        self._ad_thread = None

    def _publish(self):

    def start(self):
        """Start GLib event loop"""
        self._ad_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._publish)
        self._ad_thread.daemon = True

    def stop(self):
        """Stop GLib event loop"""

    def Release(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        This method gets called when the service daemon
        removes the Advertisement. A client can use it to do
        cleanup tasks. There is no need to call
        UnregisterAdvertisement because when this method gets
        called it has already been unregistered.

    def service_UUIDs(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """List of UUIDs that represent available services."""
        return self.ServiceUUIDs.unpack()

    def service_UUIDs(self, UUID):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        self.ServiceUUIDs = GLib.Variant('as', UUID)

    def manufacturer_data(self, company_id, data):
        """Manufacturer Data to be broadcast"""
        return self.ManufacturerData.unpack()

    def manufacturer_data(self, manufacturer_data: Dict[int, List[int]]) -> None:
        """Manufacturer Data to be broadcast"""
        m_data = GLib.VariantBuilder('a{qv}'))
        for key, value in manufacturer_data.items():
            g_key = GLib.Variant.new_uint16(key)
            g_value = GLib.Variant('ay', value)
            g_var = GLib.Variant.new_variant(g_value)
            g_dict = GLib.Variant.new_dict_entry(g_key, g_var)
        self.ManufacturerData = m_data.end()

    def solicit_UUIDs(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """UUIDs to include in "Service Solicitation" Advertisement Data"""
        return self.SolicitUUIDs.unpack()

    def solicit_UUIDs(self, data: List[str]) -> None:
        self.SolicitUUIDs = GLib.Variant('as', data)

    def service_data(self):
        """Service Data to be broadcast"""
        return self.ServiceData.unpack()

    def service_data(self, service_data):
        s_data = {}
        for key, value in service_data.items():
            gvalue = GLib.Variant('ay', value)
            s_data[key] = gvalue
        self.ServiceData = s_data

    def local_name(self) -> Union[str, None]:
        """Local name of the device included in Advertisement."""
        if self.LocalName:
            return self.LocalName.unpack()
        return None

    def local_name(self, name: Union[str, None]):
        if name:
            self.LocalName = GLib.Variant.new_string(name)
            self.LocalName = None

    def appearance(self) -> int:
        """Appearance to be used in the advertising report."""
        return self.Appearance

    def appearance(self, appearance: int) -> None:
        if appearance:
            self.Appearance = GLib.Variant.new_uint16(appearance)
            self.Appearance = None

def main():
    # Simple test
    beacon = Advertisement(1, 'peripheral')
    beacon.service_UUIDs = ['FEAA']
    beacon.service_data = {'FEAA': [0x10, 0x08, 0x03, 0x75, 0x6B,
                                    0x42, 0x61, 0x7A, 0x2e, 0x67,
                                    0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62,
                                    0x2E, 0x69, 0x6F]}
    ad_manager = bluez_proxy(ADAPTER_PATH, LE_ADVERTISING_MANAGER_IFACE)
    ad_manager.RegisterAdvertisement('(oa{sv})', beacon.path, {})
    mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Debugging Issues

Because of the complexity of the data structures it is not uncommon for BlueZ to throw and error saying in cannot parse the advertisement data.

A practical way to debug this is remove the RegisterAdvertisement step and access the service that has been published.

Accessing the service can be done on the command line using busctl list to see the new service that has successfully been published to the system D-Bus. If this is a long list then using busctl list | grep python will help reduce the list.

The published service will have a unique name (i.e. that is not very human-readable. This is done to allow the creation of the service without having to change security settings on the system bus. You can now use busctl tree and other busctl commands to interact with the service you created and published.

© Copyright 2022, Barry Byford.

first published: 2022 February 6

last updated: 2022 February 7

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.