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D-Bus and Bluez


If you want to do Bluetooth on Linux then BlueZ (the official Bluetooth stack on Linux) is the best option. They have made a number of APIs available for people to interface with their functionality enabling people to write their own applications. These BlueZ APIs use D-Bus which is not widely known about so this article aims to give some background to help people get started with writing applications using BlueZ’s D-Bus APIs.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. D-Bus
    1. Buses
    2. Bus Name
    3. Object Path
    4. Interface
  3. D-Bus Bindings For Python
  4. Creating a proxy for a BlueZ object
  5. Discovering BlueZ Managed Objects
  6. Getting Properties
  7. Asynchronous Event Loop
  8. D-Bus Properties Changed
  9. Building a BLE Central


D-Bus allows communication between multiple processes running concurrently on the same machine. In the case of BlueZ this is between the Bluetooth Daemon (bluetoothd) and the application you have written.

An advantage of D-Bus is that most programming languages have bindings to it so the BlueZ APIs are language agnostic. D-Bus bindings require you to know four bits of information:

  1. Which bus (system or session) the service is on
  2. The bus name of the service
  3. The object path of the methods and properties
  4. The interface for the method, property or signal

This hierarchy of information builds to uniquely identify what is to be accessed with D-Bus.

System Bus -> Bus Name -> Object Path -> Interface -> Method

Let’s look at each of these in more detail.


There are two buses:

For BlueZ and accessing bluetoothd we will always use the system bus

Bus Name

To see all the system D-Bus names available on your machine run the following command line:

$ busctl list

In the list will be org.bluez and this is what is used for BlueZ bluetoothd information.

Object Path

The object path looks like a filesystem path, but they are not, they are identifiers of unique objects on the D-Bus. For example the default Bluetooth adapter on a Linux system is typically /org/bluez/hci0 A list of all the objects being managed by BlueZ can be got on the command line with the following command:

$ busctl tree org.bluez


Think of an interface as a named group of methods and signals. D-Bus identifies interfaces with a simple namespaced string. There may be a number of interfaces on an object path. For example on /org/bluez/hci0 there can be:


We can find out what is on the object by introspection. Here is an example:

$ busctl introspect org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0
NAME                                TYPE      SIGNATURE RESULT/VALUE                             FLAGS
org.bluez.Adapter1                  interface -         -                                        -
.GetDiscoveryFilters                method    -         as                                       -
.RemoveDevice                       method    o         -                                        -
.SetDiscoveryFilter                 method    a{sv}     -                                        -
.StartDiscovery                     method    -         -                                        -
.StopDiscovery                      method    -         -                                        -
.Address                            property  s         "FE:FB:AC:8F:0C:A4"                      emits-change
.AddressType                        property  s         "public"                                 emits-change
.Alias                              property  s         "LinuxMachine"                             emits-change writable
.Class                              property  u         786700                                   emits-change
.Discoverable                       property  b         false                                    emits-change writable
.DiscoverableTimeout                property  u         190                                      emits-change writable
.Discovering                        property  b         false                                    emits-change
.Modalias                           property  s         "usb:v1D6Bp0246d0535"                    emits-change
.Name                               property  s         "LinuxMachine"                             emits-change
.Pairable                           property  b         false                                    emits-change writable
.PairableTimeout                    property  u         120                                      emits-change writable
.Powered                            property  b         true                                     emits-change writable
.UUIDs                              property  as        9 "0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb… emits-change
org.bluez.GattManager1              interface -         -                                        -
.RegisterApplication                method    oa{sv}    -                                        -
.UnregisterApplication              method    o         -                                        -
org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1     interface -         -                                        -
.RegisterAdvertisement              method    oa{sv}    -                                        -
.UnregisterAdvertisement            method    o         -                                        -
.ActiveInstances                    property  y         0                                        emits-change
.SupportedIncludes                  property  as        3 "tx-power" "appearance" "local-name"   emits-change
.SupportedInstances                 property  y         5                                        emits-change
.SupportedSecondaryChannels         property  as        -                                        emits-change
org.bluez.Media1                    interface -         -                                        -
.RegisterApplication                method    oa{sv}    -                                        -
.RegisterEndpoint                   method    oa{sv}    -                                        -
.RegisterPlayer                     method    oa{sv}    -                                        -
.UnregisterApplication              method    o         -                                        -
.UnregisterEndpoint                 method    o         -                                        -
.UnregisterPlayer                   method    o         -                                        -
org.bluez.NetworkServer1            interface -         -                                        -
.Register                           method    ss        -                                        -
.Unregister                         method    s         -                                        -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable interface -         -                                        -
.Introspect                         method    -         s                                        -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties     interface -         -                                        -
.Get                                method    ss        v                                        -
.GetAll                             method    s         a{sv}                                    -
.Set                                method    ssv       -                                        -
.PropertiesChanged                  signal    sa{sv}as  -                                        -

There are a number that start with org.bluez which are documented at:

Those that start with org.freedesktop.DBus are standard interfaces and are documented at:

D-Bus bindings for Python

There are a number of libraries that can be used to access D-Bus from Python. However, they all seem to come with issues.

The BlueZ examples use python-dbus which the library accepts there might be issues. It is documented that python-dbus is a legacy API, built with a deprecated dbus-glib library

The newer D-Bus libraries are based on functionality in PyGObject which uses the D-Bus bindings in gi.repsitory.Gio. However, this library is not documented well and I have only found a few examples around.

pydbus has been a strong contender as it works great for doing BLE central devices, and it is built on gi.repository.Gio. However, it also has issues.

Because of the issues stated above I’ve taken the decision to attempt to use PyGObject module for more of my D-Bus work. Below are some notes of my learnings from using it.

Creating a proxy for a BlueZ object

Object proxies are used as a way to create pythonic method calls to invoke remote D-Bus methods.

As we have seen in the introspection above on the Bluetooth Adapter object, there is a method called GetDiscoveryFilters. Taking the four pieces of information we know about bus type, bus name, object path, and interface we can create a proxy and then call the method associated with that interface.

from gi.repository import Gio

bus_type = Gio.BusType.SYSTEM
bus_name = 'org.bluez'
object_path = '/org/bluez/hci0'
interface = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'

adapter_proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_for_bus_sync(

disco_filters = adapter_proxy.GetDiscoveryFilters()

Which gives the output:

['UUIDs', 'RSSI', 'Pathloss', 'Transport', 'DuplicateData', 'Discoverable']

Discovering BlueZ Managed Objects

There will be a requirement for you to find the D-Bus object path for a piece of Bluetooth information. For example, you may know the Bluetooth MAC address of the device you want to interact with but not what its D-Bus object path is.

To find this information D-Bus has an org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface for recording the objects known about and BlueZ has implemented this interface on the / object path. There is a method called GetManagedObjects which will return a dictionary of dictionaries.

For example to find the D-Bus object path for a device with an address of E1:4B:6C:22:56:F0

from gi.repository import Gio

bus_type = Gio.BusType.SYSTEM
bus_name = 'org.bluez'
object_path = '/'
mngr_iface = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager'
device_iface = 'org.bluez.Device1'
device_addr = 'E1:4B:6C:22:56:F0'

mngr_proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_for_bus_sync(

mngd_objs = mngr_proxy.GetManagedObjects()
for obj_path, obj_data in mngd_objs.items():
    address = obj_data.get(device_iface, {}).get('Address')
    if address and address == device_addr:
        print(f'Device [{device_addr}] on object path: {obj_path}')

For me that gave the output of:

Device [E1:4B:6C:22:56:F0] on object path: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_E1_4B_6C_22_56_F0

Getting Properties

To interact with properties on an BlueZ interface we have to create a proxy for the D-Bus standard interface of org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and use the GetAll, Get or Set methods which take the BlueZ interface the property is on as input. The introspection above gives the following signatures for the methods:

NAME                                TYPE      SIGNATURE
.GetAll                             method    s
.Get                                method    ss
.Set                                method    ssv

The D-Bus documentation gives more information:

    org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll (in STRING interface_name,
                                          out ARRAY of DICT_ENTRY<STRING,VARIANT> props);
    org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get (in STRING interface_name,
                                       in STRING property_name,
                                       out VARIANT value);
    org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set (in STRING interface_name,
                                       in STRING property_name,
                                       in VARIANT value);

This is the first example where we have had inputs to our proxy methods calls. PyGObject has the requirement that there is an extra input parameter which is the signature of the method.

Most of the inputs are stings which is straightforward taking a Python str but in the case of the Set method we see that one of the parameters is of D-Bus type v. This is Variant and we can create this using the GLib library.

An example to find all the properties on the Adapter interface, then turn the adapter off, and back on again:

from gi.repository import Gio, GLib

bus_type = Gio.BusType.SYSTEM
bus_name = 'org.bluez'
object_path = '/org/bluez/hci0'
prop_iface = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
adapter_iface = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'

adapter_props_proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_for_bus_sync(

all_props = adapter_props_proxy.GetAll('(s)', adapter_iface)
powered = adapter_props_proxy.Get('(ss)', adapter_iface, 'Powered')
powered = adapter_props_proxy.Get('(ss)', adapter_iface, 'Powered')
powered = adapter_props_proxy.Get('(ss)', adapter_iface, 'Powered')

This gave the output of:

{'Address': 'FA:FB:FE:8F:1C:24', 'AddressType': 'public', 'Name': ...}

Asynchronous Event Loop

There is Bluetooth functionality that can be accessed synchronously such as setting up properties on the adapter, connecting to a BLE device and even reading a value from that device. There is other functionality that is designed to work asynchronously such as events when a new device is found during scanning, a device connects, or a value on a device changes.

The PyGObject library uses an event loop called MainLoop.

This will be the main loop in our program that typically waits for events to trigger a callback function.

For example, let’s implement the functionality to print out the time every five seconds until we do a keyboard interrupt (ctrl-c). Typically, we might do that with a while loop in Python:

from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep

def show_time():
    now ='%M:%S')
    print(f'Now: {now}')

    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

To do this asynchronously we replace the while loop with the event loop. Then set an event to occur at regular (5 seconds in this example) intervals. We use the timeout_add_seconds method to add an event every 5 senconds. This event is to repeatedly call show_time. While show_time returns True the event will continue to automatically happen:

from datetime import datetime
from gi.repository import GLib

def show_time():
    now ='%M:%S')
    print(f'Now: {now}')
    return True


mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()

except KeyboardInterrupt:

D-Bus Properties Changed

As we can see above from the introspection of the adapter object path for the org.bluez.Adapter1 interface, the flag emits-change is set for all the properties. This means that if one or more of the properties change on the object, theorg.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged signal will be emitted. The PyGObject library does some work to make this easier by presenting the g-properties-changed signal on our proxy. This signal corresponds to thePropertiesChanged D-Bus signal on the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface.

This signal will happen when a property changes on interface. To use this signal we use the proxy’s connect method to link it with a function.

Below is an example of how this can be used. The example monitors the adapter object and prints out when the status of the Powered property changes.

from gi.repository import Gio, GLib

bus_type = Gio.BusType.SYSTEM
bus_name = 'org.bluez'
object_path = '/org/bluez/hci0'
adapter_iface = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'

def adapter_props_handler(proxy: Gio.DBusProxy,
                          changed_props: GLib.Variant,
                          invalidated_props: list) -> None:
    props = changed_props.unpack()
    powered = props.get('Powered')
    if powered is True:
        print('Adapter is now powered on')
    elif powered is False:
        print('Adapter is now powered off')

adapter_proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_for_bus_sync(

adapter_proxy.connect('g-properties-changed', adapter_props_handler)
mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()

except KeyboardInterrupt:

This can be tested by, while the above Python script is running, using the following on the command line:

$ bluetoothctl power off
$ bluetoothctl power on

The Python script should print:

Adapter is now powered off
Adapter is now powered on

Building a BLE Central

The above is enough D-Bus to create Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device to take the Central role. It hasn’t covered scanning for devices and pairing (if required) but as those are one-off provisioning steps they can be done with bluetoothctl on the command line.

The example below connects with a BBC micro:bit running its UART service that has been configured to echo back any data that is sent to it.

from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
from gi.repository import Gio, GLib

DEVICE_ADDR = 'E1:4B:6C:22:56:F0'  # micro:bit address
UART_TX = '6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e'
UART_RX = '6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e'

# DBus Information
bus_type = Gio.BusType.SYSTEM
BLUEZ_NAME = 'org.bluez'
ADAPTER_PATH = '/org/bluez/hci0'
device_path = f"{ADAPTER_PATH}/dev_{DEVICE_ADDR.replace(':', '_')}"
MNGR_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager'
PROP_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
DEVICE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'
BLE_CHRC_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1'

def bluez_proxy(object_path, interface):
    return Gio.DBusProxy.new_for_bus_sync(

# setup dbus
mngr = bluez_proxy('/', MNGR_IFACE)
device = bluez_proxy(device_path, DEVICE_IFACE)
dev_props = bluez_proxy(device_path, PROP_IFACE)

# Connect to device

# Wait for the cache of services on the remote device to be updated
while not dev_props.Get('(ss)', DEVICE_IFACE, 'ServicesResolved'):
    print(f"Services Resolved: {dev_props.Get('(ss)', DEVICE_IFACE, 'ServicesResolved')}")
print(f"Services Resolved: {dev_props.Get('(ss)', DEVICE_IFACE, 'ServicesResolved')}")

def get_characteristic_path(dev_path, uuid):
    """Look up DBus path for characteristic UUID"""
    mng_objs = mngr.GetManagedObjects()
    for path in mng_objs:
        chr_uuid = mng_objs[path].get(BLE_CHRC_IFACE, {}).get('UUID')
        if path.startswith(dev_path) and chr_uuid == uuid.casefold():
            return path

# Characteristic DBus information
tx_path = get_characteristic_path(device_path, UART_TX)
tx_proxy = bluez_proxy(tx_path, BLE_CHRC_IFACE)
rx_path = get_characteristic_path(device_path, UART_RX)
rx_proxy = bluez_proxy(rx_path, BLE_CHRC_IFACE)

rx_proxy.WriteValue('(aya{sv})', b'Test#', {})

def tx_handler(proxy: Gio.DBusProxy,
                changed_props: GLib.Variant,
                invalidated_props: list) -> None:
    """Notify event handler for messages received from UART Service"""
    props = changed_props.unpack()
    value = props.get('Value')
    if value:
        text = bytes(value).strip()
        print(f'Echo: {text}')

def send_time():
    """Send time over UART. `#` is the message termination character"""
    now ='%M:%S#')
    print(f'Send: {now.encode()}')
    rx_proxy.WriteValue('(aya{sv})', now.encode(), {})
    return True

# Enable eventloop for notifications
mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(interval=9, function=send_time)
tx_proxy.connect('g-properties-changed', tx_handler)

except KeyboardInterrupt:

© Copyright 2022, Barry Byford.

first published: 2022 January 21

last updated: 2022 January 23

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.