Beacon Scanner
In part 1 of this series of posts we looked at the basics of working with D-Bus and BlueZ. In this part we take on the tricky topic of scanning for nearby devices. A typical example of an application for this is to scan for nearby BLE Beacons.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacon is a device that only transmits small
amounts of data and usually can not be connected to. iBeacon and Eddystone
are two of the more well known formats. The small amount of data is stored
in either the service data
or manufacturer data
property depending
on the beacon.
BlueZ D-Bus Object Creation Signal
The core of this functionality from PyGObject is the DBusObjectManagerClient functionality.
Once an instance of this type has been created, you can connect to the
This enables having callbacks that are run everytime a new BlueZ object is
In the example below a class is created to inherit from GObject.GObject
that custom signals can be created for when specific BlueZ objects are created.
In this case it is an adapter and a device being added. This isn’t the only
way of doing this. It could be that the _on_object_added
could call the
function directly. In this example it slightly complicates
things but if it was part of a bigger library and there was a need for
multiple listners then it could be more useful.
Filtering of objects
As the device is never connected to there is no need to store the device in the BlueZ cache so the example removes the devices once it has read the property information in the advertisement.
This is a good thing to do for beacons for a couple of reasons. First is that the one the device is in the cache it is the g-properties-changed signal on the device proxy that needs to be monitored. Secondly, once the device is in the cache the Linux kernel does some filtering of that device to ensure it doesn’t spam the system with notifications. Typically, for beacon scanning applications it is desirable to see every advertisement from the beacon.
Signals and Variants
To make the device-added
signal includes all the device properties as a
dictionary. In D-Bus the values in the dictionary need to be converted into
types. This is done with the create_variant
function. Rather than
guess the D-Bus type from the Python type, this function looks up the property
import logging
from gi.repository import Gio, GLib, GObject
# DBus Information
bus_type = Gio.BusType.SYSTEM
BLUEZ_NAME = 'org.bluez'
ADAPTER_PATH = '/org/bluez/hci0'
PROP_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
ADAPTER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'
DEVICE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'
logger = logging.getLogger('scan_app')
def create_variant(py_data):
convert python native data types to D-Bus variant types by looking up
their type expected for that key.
type_lookup = {'Address': 's',
'AddressType': 's',
'Name': 's',
'Icon': 's',
'Class': 'u',
'Appearance': 'q',
'Alias': 's',
'Paired': 'b',
'Trusted': 'b',
'Blocked': 'b',
'LegacyPairing': 'b',
'RSSI': 'n',
'Connected': 'b',
'UUIDs': 'as',
'Adapter': 'o',
'ManufacturerData': 'a{qay}',
'ServiceData': 'a{say}',
'TxPower': 'n',
'ServicesResolved': 'b',
'WakeAllowed': 'b',
'Modalias': 's',
'AdvertisingFlags': 'ay',
'AdvertisingData': 'a{yay}',
'Powered': 'b',
'Discoverable': 'b',
'Pairable': 'b',
'PairableTimeout': 'u',
'DiscoverableTimeout': 'u',
'Discovering': 'b',
'Roles': 'as',
'ExperimentalFeatures': 'as',
if py_data is None:
return GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {})
for k, v in py_data.items():
py_data[k] = GLib.Variant(type_lookup[k], v)
return GLib.Variant('a{sv}', py_data)
class BluezObjectManager(GObject.GObject):
__gsignals__ = {
'adapter-added': (GObject.SignalFlags.NO_HOOKS, None,
(str, GObject.TYPE_VARIANT)),
'adapter-removed': (GObject.SignalFlags.NO_HOOKS, None, (str,)),
'device-added': (GObject.SignalFlags.NO_HOOKS, None,
(str, GObject.TYPE_VARIANT)),
'device-removed': (GObject.SignalFlags.NO_HOOKS, None, (str,)),
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._object_manager = Gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.new_for_bus_sync(
'/', None, None, None)
self._object_manager.connect("object-added", self._on_object_added)
self._object_manager.connect("object-removed", self._on_object_removed)
def _on_object_added(self,
_object_manager: Gio.DBusObjectManager,
dbus_object: Gio.DBusObject) -> None:
object_path = dbus_object.get_object_path()
ifaces = [iface.get_interface_name()
for iface in dbus_object.get_interfaces()]
if ADAPTER_IFACE in ifaces:
prop_proxy = dbus_object.get_interface(PROP_IFACE)
adapter_props = prop_proxy.GetAll('(s)', ADAPTER_IFACE)
logger.debug('adapter-added %s', object_path, adapter_props)
self.emit('adapter-added', object_path, adapter_props)
elif DEVICE_IFACE in ifaces:
prop_proxy = dbus_object.get_interface(PROP_IFACE)
dev_props = prop_proxy.GetAll('(s)', DEVICE_IFACE)
logger.debug('device-added %s : %s', object_path, dev_props)
self.emit('device-added', object_path, create_variant(dev_props))
def _on_object_removed(self,
_object_manager: Gio.DBusObjectManager,
dbus_object: Gio.DBusObject) -> None:
object_path = dbus_object.get_object_path()
ifaces = [iface.get_interface_name()
for iface in dbus_object.get_interfaces()]
if ADAPTER_IFACE in ifaces:
logger.debug('adapter-removed %s : %s', object_path)
self.emit('adapter-removed', object_path)
elif DEVICE_IFACE in ifaces:
logger.debug('device-removed: %s', object_path)
self.emit('device-removed', object_path)
def bluez_proxy(object_path, interface):
"""Return a BlueZ proxy object for the given D-Bus information"""
return Gio.DBusProxy.new_for_bus_sync(
def new_device_hndlr(proxy: BluezObjectManager,
object_path: str,
device_props: GObject.TYPE_VARIANT) -> None:
"""Event handler for New device has been detected with scan"""
props = device_props.unpack()
logger.debug('New Device Handler: %s : %s', object_path, props)
address = props.get('Address')
if address:
print(f'Device with address {address} found. '
f'Removing from BlueZ cache')
# adapter.RemoveDevice('(o)', GLib.Variant.new_object_path(object_path))
adapter.RemoveDevice('(o)', object_path)
def stop_scan():
"""Stop scanning for new devices and quit event loop"""'Stopping Discovery')
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
# setup dbus
mngr = BluezObjectManager()
adapter = bluez_proxy(ADAPTER_PATH, ADAPTER_IFACE)
# Link device-added event to callback function
mngr.connect('device-added', new_device_hndlr)
# Start discovering (scanning) for devices
# Enable eventloop for notifications
mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()
# Create a timed event to call the stop_scan function
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(interval=20, function=stop_scan)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
© Copyright 2022, Barry Byford.
first published: 2022 January 29
last updated: 2022 January 29
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.